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mercredi 27 mars 2013

Causey Farm

Tuesday 26 th march in causey farm (about 110 km north east of Dublin)
For the second day of our trip, the class was split in two to visit Causey farm. We did 6 different activites. In the morning, we first took irish dance lessons (cf article) and we're now professional Irish dancers. Then we visited all the different animals and met Daisy the cow. We saw sheep and their little babies and we also caught chickens. After this, Donnacha, our guide, brought us to the bakery and helped us to make our own typical Irish bread(cf recipe). Afterwards we improved again our Irish culture level by playing the barron (a typical Irish drum), before having lunch. The first thing we did after this ,was going to see a lamb being born.
During the afternoon, the farmers brought us to the bog by tractor ( for ignorant parents : bog=tourbiere :D ). There, some tried to cross a bog hole full of crocodiles, oh no sorry, full of turf ( turf=tourbe :D ) using a monkey ladder.For Tanguy's, Côme's and Victor's parents, don't worry if their socks are not very clean. In order to continue our knowledge on Irish culture, we practised hurling( cf article) @@@photo hurling@@@.
Finally we ate our (delicious) bread with hot drinks to get warm after playing in a snow storm and, to leave a trace of our passage, we made some street art on the walls of the farm.
We would like to mention the soooooooo cute little puppies who helped us to survive in the cold of Ireland.
Tom, Charles, Jean-Baptiste, Jerôme and Victorien

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